Christmas and New Year's have come and gone and we are on our way in 2011. So far, we have been enjoying basketball. Carl is of course, coaching Kyah's team again. It's so wonderful to see him coach and do something special for his little team and to watch him and Kyah develop a relationship that is truly their own. The "Icebreakers" really are turning out to be a pretty good little team! We've only had a few games so far, but this week our practice and game schedule have been affected by a winter storm that has hit most of North Texas.
I personally think the ice and snow came with all this Super Bowl hoopla and hope it will leave with it too. I will say that if there is anything good about this weather, its that it has allowed us to spend some quality time together. But I am genuinely ready for Spring and Summer! Here are some photos of the last few months of this winter season...enjoy!
Just wondering which feet were yours Nikki? Ha, Ha! So, cute and Kyah was really cheesing in the snow shots. Or were her cheeks frozen? I love ya'll.